A few months ago Noah contacted us on Instagram, he had seen the video of Natalie "Correctly" removing her T-Shirt. It inspired him to use the scene in his latest comic book. A true story of art inspiring art. Noah very kindly sent us a few of him comics and they are super rad! Here is a brief interview with Noah about his and comics--make sure you hit the links and check out his work!
Here is his latest on kickstarter:
Tell us who you are.
My name is Noah Baas (pronounced Boss) and I'm a comic writer. I got into this section of the art world last year in 2015 after spending a couple years chasing my dreams of painting. I realized I didn't just want to tell a story one picture and some brush strokes at a time, but plenty of pictures and a narrative. After getting my feet wet and hammering a few details out I soon had a rough outline and a tale I wanted to tell that was all my own.
How did you get into what you do?
I was researching a few things and improving my art skills and I had stumbled across a youtuber named Kevin Cross who had been an illustrator for 15+ years. He had come up with a new challenge and he didn't have the normal amount of time he could allocate to a personal project of his own. He then started his own challenge and for 100 days straight, he would devote 30 minutes a day forcing himself to work on his project and recording the process. I started watching his videos while I was working on my own story and he inspired me to try the challenge myself. I then did 200 days straight last year working on my own personal comic everyday last year!
Name your friends call you.
I go by Ox primarily. It was the name given to me in high school while I played football (because the coach kept asking the other players why they couldn't be more of an Ox like me because I would drag two tires and chains across the field while we practiced. I was built for power, not so much speed). I used it in college when I went for Radio Broadcasting and it's stuck since then.
If you were an emotion you would be...
I would be compassion. It takes a strong arm to keep everyone you care about safe, but helping them KNOW they are safe means much more to me. I would gladly trade places and lay my life down for friends if it were possible. That's what makes a great leader and someone that others can look to for answers.
Stick Shift or Automatic?
Unfortunately Automatic. We never had stick shifts growing up and my brother would never let me practice on his cars. I know how to, but knowledge and being able to execute are two different properties.
What is your least favorite movie? Over the Top. It's a movie I can just put on and its just so ridiculous that I like to think how great the world was back in the 80's.
What app do you use the most?
Youtube. It's almost running constantly on my phone because if I'm not uploading a video to my channel, I have videos running while I work on my comics. When I do all the writing, art, and covers for my comics - You need a lot of background noise to keep you in your own little world.
If you were a song, what would it be and why?
If I Ever Leave This World Alive by Flogging Molly. It is one of the most perfect songs I've ever heard. The title alone invokes this thought of being able to live so incredibly that you find a way to leave this plane of existence having done everything you wished.
Who inspires you?
Kevin Cross is a huge influence as he works on his own comic series (Monkey Mod and Friends) as well as other artists such as Jake Parker, James Gunn, and Brooke Burgess. They've all made something that has made such a huge impact on my life that led to this path I'm currently on and wouldn't change that for anything in the world!
Favorite curse word?
I don't have one. I tend to stray away from vulgar language if I can catch myself, but we all miss the nail and hit our hand with a hammer from time to time.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I WANT to believe in ghosts. I'm open to the possibility of paranormal things but just have never witnessed anything to truthfully have me believe.
Drink of choice?
Sailor Jerry and Coke. Classic, Simple, and Wonderful.
What has made you laugh your ass off recently?
Tom Segura's latest special on Netflix. He has such an incredible and laid back delivery style that just works so well! Bill Burr's specials are pretty wonderful too!
What is your usual bedtime?
I tend to get to bed around 9-10pm because I'm usually awake at 4am working on my comic. Each page typically takes 10 hours to complete so just grinding all day and working on the next bit!
What turns you on?
Intelligence and Eyes. Someone's soul is shown through their eyes, but being able to hold a thought-provoking thoughts and conversations will pull me closer than anything else!
What turn you off?
Spite. Easily the worst thing a person can harbor inside themselves. If there's a need to get even at all costs regardless...that's someone I'd rather never be around.
What would you like to be if you weren't a ________?
If I weren't a comic writer, I'd probably still be painting daily and telling stories with my brushes. Just the life I love sharing with others around me!
Something people don't know about you.
It's taken me nearly 30 years to figure out what path is working for me and I still don't have many answers. Having answers doesn't make you smart, but having the willingness to admit you don't know the answers makes you real and allows you to keep learning. That's the best advice I've ever gotten next to 'Done is better than Good" when it comes to art projects.
How can we find you on the internet?
The most active accounts I have right now are my Youtube and Twitter accounts. You can find me on all social media platforms under the username Samuraiox (Insta/Tumblr/Snapchat/Patreon) or directly to my website at www.TheOxenPlayground.com
What do you have coming up that you want us to know about? Last year I was able to complete 4 issues of my comic series "I Never Forgot!" and that was the Trust Arc of the story. This year I'm looking to do the next 5 Issues and making the Love Arc of the story. The next kickstarter will be a way people can catch up on the series with the first Trade of the Trust Arc AND the 5th Issue of the series. I'm looking forward to hitting some Cons this year too and meeting people in person too!
Website: TheOxenPlayground.com
Patreon: patreon.com/Samuraiox
YouTube: YouTube.com/Samuraiox
Twitter: @Samuraiox