Nick Jones is Skater in Nashville, TN - USA. Here are some select shots from the scene down in the South. Follow his instagram
Pictured + Photo Credit:
1. Rider Dimitri Secker doing a wallride at a skatepark in Memphis, TN. Photo by Nick Jones (myself)
2. Rider Nick Jones skating a ledge in downtown Nashville. Photo by Dylan Beckerich
3. Rider Nick Lara skating a ledge. Photo by Dylan Beckerich
4. Dimitri Secker, Nick Lara, and Nick Jones, photo by Dylan Beckerich
5. GoPro selfie taken by rider Nick Jones
6. Nick Jones riding with his pup
7. Another selfie taken by rider Nick Jones
8. Another selfie taken by rider Nick Jones
9. Nick Jones about to hit the hills of Tennessee. Photo by Kyle Somers