In early June we had the pleasure of attending the Hidden Rooms exhibition at The Redon in downtown LA. We met art duo Brian & Jacquelyn who ply their trade under the moniker "VALTD." Their art is distinctly striking, you should know who they are. Read more about them, check out some of the images below and definitely go follow them on social media.
Tell us who you are.
We are Jacquelyn & Brian, aka: VALTD, pronounced VAUL-TID.
How did you get into what you do?
Brian has been drawing and designing all his life, Jacquelyn has been in the film industry and writing all her life
Name your friends call you.
Brian & Jacquelyn : )
If you were an emotion you would be....
B: Elated
J: Inspired
Stick Shift or Automatic?
B: Stick for fun in a sports vehicle, however for practicality and traffic ... being driven by someone else.
J: Stick shift, even though I don't know how to drive stick it seems much more exciting
What is your least favorite movie?
B: Ghostbusters II
J: Brian won't like this answer but Big Trouble in Little China... he's made me watch it too many times!
B: I think I threaten for Jacquelyn to watch Big Trouble in Little China more than actual watching it .... ....... but you have to admit, its a pretty good movie.
What app do you use the most?
Instagram, Snapchat, Dragonvale, Harry Potter, and Artsy
If you were any artist, what would it be and why?
J: One of the artists living in Paris in the 1920's, so probably Miró, Mondrian, Hemingway, or the Fitzgeralds, because I've always wanted to be a flapper and that time seems to have been spark full of inspiration, creativity, and innovation
B: I think I have to go with Jacquelyn on this one, ( my first answer was "guitar player for Metallica" ) however: 1920's, Paris ... Mondrian, Kandinsky ... Picasso. Because they were such breakthroughs in art and influences in the world. Plus 1920's seems like such a good time to be in Paris. Although the 60's seem like fun as well in Paris & Switzerland ... etc, such a push to be modern with cars, design ( graphic, industrial, architectural ) and fashion.
Who inspires you?
B: Musicians, love them, music evokes so many ideas and feelings for the work.
J: The world, philosophical ideas, culture, traveling, unique stories from regular people
Favorite curse word?
B: Scheiße
J: Mother Forker
Do you believe in ghosts?
B: YES, they are the best friends. "If you have Ghosts, you have everything."
J:Of course! They help spread stories and creativity, even the 'spooky' ones
Drink of choice?
B: French Champagne ... there's no such thing as bad Champagne.
J: Vodka martini, although the two of use downed a bottle of Belvedere recently, so I'm taking a break for the moment ( B: bahahaha )
What has made you laugh your ass off recently?
J: ( talking about downing a bottle of Belvedere )
What is your usual bedtime?
What turns you on?
B: Lights, traveling,
J: Insightful conversations
What turns you off?
B: Lights, traffic, preconceived judgments
J: Judgements for sure
What would you like to be if you weren't a ________?
B: A race car driver, an alpine ski racer, a wine & cheese maker in Switzerland
J: A baker, architect, ballerina, or full-time traveler
Something people don't know about you.
We are secretly aliens in human bodies.
How can we find you on the internet?
Our web:
What do you have coming up that you want us to know about?
The horizon : )